Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Monday, November 22, 2004

O Levels: Aftermath

The O levels was finally over 2 days ago. I spent the last two days playing my heart out. I spent my time doing a format on my computer, playing Half-Life 2, and all other games I've always wanted to play but the O levels deterred me from doing so. I also played basketball, went jogging and I'm thinking of going swimming today with my brother.

Come to think of it, the school holidays for the Sec 4s entering JC is so, so short! The -official- date of the end of the O levels is on 23 November. JC starts on 2 January 2005. That's only about ONE month of break. Students wanting to work have to think twice, foreign students wanting to return home for a long period may have to shorten their trip, and most of all, students who do not want to attend the first 3 months or want to enter Poly have a much longer break of 4 months! Booo!

I'm just being unlucky to be Sec 4 this year as the first 3 months crap will be scrapped by the MOE for the next batch of Sec 4 students the following year, wtf! I wonder why MOE even started this 3 months crap, they are crap.

I'll be spending only about 2 weeks in Singapore during the holidays as I'll be enjoying myself in other countries, away from the crap life of Singapore, Hurray!
Other than that, I'm looking forward to the chalet when I return from my trip. :D

I guess I can end this post on a happy note, especially when the O levels is FINALLY over! :)


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