Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Unlucky today

I thought that I'd be able to have some fun after getting my A level results yesterday. I went to play basketball at NYJC today with my friends, and fractured my ankle. I ran towards the basket to do a layup, and my foot landed sideways on the way down. I'm sure many bballers have had this injury before, and you'd know how painful it is. Sheessh. My friend bought a pack of ice from the coffeeshop nearby for me to treat the swell. Anyway, I finally met Katrina in person today. We didn't chat, just a quick 'Are you zirong?', 'Yes' conversational exchange. I met her just after I sprained my ankle, so I was limping back to the bench in pain. I went to the Chinese sinseh for treatment, and it cost me $46! He merely place an icepack around my ankle and then wrapped it in some medicated plaster. I think the medicine must contain some herbs found high up in the mountains. Blerh.
Now, I'm limping around the house in pain. Sitting down makes me restless, but I've no choice. Fortunately there's still over a month to go before I enlist, else I'd have no time to train.

I had a talk with my parents. They proposed that I try to apply for an overseas university, and said they'll finance the expenses. Actually, I've thought of going overseas before. However that was before the A levels, when I thought that I'd have ample time to make a decision and to do research. Well, the time has come, so very quickly. I did not take S papers, thus an overseas scholarship is out of my reach. I'm not Wee Shu Min, whose parents have probably a million dollars in the bank, thus I have to consider financial matters before deciding. All of a sudden, I feel that money and perhaps S papers too, are very, very important.


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