Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Great feeling to drive!

I finally passed my driving test on my 2nd attempt. It happened at CDC on 29 May, the feelings I had before and after the test were *completely* different. I felt so nervous especially during the test route balloting, hoping very hard not to get route 6/7. But after entering the car with the examiner, the nervous feeling suddenly disappeared and I felt in control of the situation. I chalked up 10 demerit points for insufficient acceleration, sharp turns etc. At the end, nothing in the world beats the ecstatic feeling of knowing that I passed the test. All the money, time and effort I put in for the past year finally paid off! Lots of credit goes to my driving instructor who taught me the skills and gave me all the confidence to pass the test.
My parents went overseas on holiday for the past week, and I got to drive my Dad's car during that period. A 1hour trip to camp using public transport was cut short to a 15mins drive. It just felt like I had a lot more control over time. I didn't have to be afraid of missing the bus in the morning. It's really a pity that cars cost so much here in Singapore... I'll have to go back to relying on public transport from next week onwards... :(


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