Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Sunday, October 21, 2007


The weekends are gone so quickly. It'll be back to camp again tomorrow. I was quite tired today as I slept at 2am. I had breakfast with my family in the morning and spent almost the rest of the day resting. I went to Compass Point at Sengkang with my brother for a walk, I just didn't want to waste the day away. In the evening, I went for a jog at the stadium nearby. It was refreshing after the jog. I usually go alone though, as my brother doesn't want to come along and I don't have friends living nearby.

Anyway, it's the eve of my birthday! It's a pity the actual day falls on a Monday. My birthdays fell on the weekend during the past two years, and I could celebrate it with my friends. Blarh, just have to wait till the coming weekend then. I celebrated my birthday with my family today though, had a nice mango cake. It was cool having 19 candles on the cake, the light from the fire was so bright. It'll be Katrina's birthday tomorrow as well. I browsed through the web and found this about us:

"Although you are personally magnetic, you have a manner that is slightly intimidating to others, making you a little hard to get close to. You give off the subtle impression that perhaps you don't really need new people in your life. You do, although you tend to be somewhat selective when it comes to your social life, simply because your work is extremely important to you and you value your time. There is a no-nonsense directness about you that inspires trust in others. You give the impression of solidity, strength of character, dependability and honesty. Although you are an idealist and visionary, you still manage to keep your feet on the ground. You don't seem capable of doing things halfway, and that includes your relationships. You are quite focused on achieving in life."

Anyway, hope to be able to meet up with Katrina sometime soon. The A lvls are approaching, and I don't want to give such a belated birthday gift.


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