Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Monday, October 30, 2006


A took a glance at the visits counter on the top right corner and was quite surprised. I have over 15,000 visits to my blog since I placed the counter there about a year and a half ago. I guess I've many 'silent' visitors as albeit so many visitors, few tag on the shoutbox.

Taking a short break from mugging now, I recall the moments in the various stages of life. There were more happy and memorable moments than the less joyful ones. I loved every PE lesson in school as we got to play and I took it as a break from studies. NAPFA tests were memorable too, as I recalled how we congratulated each other after passing each station. The friends I made at each grade of school have kept me a joyful person. I still keep in contact with several Sec sch mates, getting together for basketball games and birthday celebrations. And then there were the friends I made in NJ. Although we got to know each other for only a short period of 3 months, we still keep in contact quite frequently. I also got to know several people during my course at the youth flying club. We still keep in contact via MSN. Now for the great and fun people I've met while studying at NY, from 05S6a and Science Society. Of course, these are only a small portion of my journey thus far, but they're pretty significant.

I've the ambition of becoming a pilot, be it to fly a large commercial airplane or a much smaller Cessna. I've also dreamt of enrolling into MIT and experience life in a world-reknown college. If I ever have the chance, I'll migrate to another country with my family, to get away from Singapore. I cannot imagine myself confined in a country with no freedom of speech and no space for creativity, for the rest of my life. I'll never be able to experience the world by living in Singapore. I'll also never want my kids to go through such an inflexible education system that I've gone through. It's just detrimental.


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