Zi Rong's Personal Blog

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Fun day

I had my sortie 7 today which is learning to descend the plane with power and flaps. All went quite well, I did almost all the radio calls and could finally climb the plane without letting it yaw to the left. My instructor was in quite a relaxed mood too, so I guess it helped. He explained many things to me clearly and patiently, and helped me out alot in the radio calls e.g. tell me exactly what to say before I press on the buttno and transmit it.

Later on I had a dinner gathering with my NJ friends at Marche Suntec. The food there was very expensive. I ate a chicken drumstick rice meal and it cost me $7.90. I also bought a root beer drink that set me back another $3.80. I'm probably never going there again unless I've lots of money for some reason. We then went to the Esplanade and spent about 1hour there chit-chatting under the night sky and cool breeze. It was really relaxing. Everyone's still the same, very lively and fun loving people. It's kind of wierd but I feel closer to a few of my friends from NJ than my classmates in NYJC.

I was supposed to watch Harry Potter with my classmates tomorrow but it was cancelled in the end because too few people could make it. I was kind of disappointed but well, there's nothing I can do. I'll probably watch it with my ex-classmates on Tuesday.


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